The Town of Ferrisburgh is looking for the public’s assistance in identifying local hazards to aid in updating the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP).
As mandated by the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000, all municipalities are required to complete a Local Hazard Mitigation Plan every 5 years in order to qualify for FEMA funding should a disaster occur. The plan aids in identifying threats and hazards such as flooding, winter storms, power failures, pandemics, cyber-attacks etc. and then determine mitigation efforts that can aid municipalities in reducing risk and recovery from natural, technological, and human-caused hazards.
The Town of Ferrisburgh has begun the plan update process and is looking for input from Ferrisburgh residents to help identify hazards that impact your community. Please contact Town Clerk Pam Cousino townclerk@ferrisburghvt.orgor 802-877-3429with any input or questions. The current Local Hazard Mitigation Plan is available at the town offices - 3279 Route 7 - or on our
Hazard Mitigation Planning - Community Survey
The Town of Ferrisburgh is seeking community information and input on planning for hazard mitigation. We’re asking townspeople to complete a survey sharing your experiences and priorities for addressing natural and manmade hazards.
We’ve provided a link to the survey here:
Surveys are also available in hard copy at the town offices, orwe can mail out a hard copy of the survey should you need one; just give us a call at 802-877-3249 or email us at
Please return the survey by Friday, September 13, 2024. Thanks!
Town's Current Plan