Founded 1762

Planning Commission

The Ferrisburgh Planning Commission meets the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall and Community Center.


Bob Beach, Jr. - Term expires 3/2025
Gail Blasius - Term expires 3/2028
Anne Cohn - Term expires 3/2026
Arabella Holzapfel - Term expires 3/2026
Michael Quinn - Term expires 3/2027
Walter Reed - Term expires 3/2028
Jean Richardson - Term expires 3/2026
Bessie Sessions - Term expires 3/2027


 Town Offices: 802-877-3429

Application and Permit Information:

- Granted permits are posted for 15 days in the Town Clerk's office.
- Decisions of the Planning Commission are posted for 30 days in the Town Clerk's office.
- A log of all applications, pending and granted, are available for review in the Administrative Officer's office.
- See below for Subdivision regulations, applications, and fees.

Ferrisburgh Town Plan 2017-2025


It is the intent and purpose of the Ferrisburgh Town Plan to guide the future growth and development of land, public services and facilities, and to protect the environment of the Town of Ferrisburgh, with particular attention to the Route 7 corridor and compliance with recently enacted state regulations.


The Ferrisburgh Town Plan 2017-2025 was unanimously approved by the Selectboard on August 15, 2017.


The Planning Commission began gathering information and opinions from Ferrisburgh residents for the new town plan in 2013, including holding an open house and conducting a survey. The Commission worked closely with the Addison County Regional Planning Commission during the next several years and six drafts, before finalizing its draft in early 2017.

Once the final draft was set, the Planning Commission held a public hearing and approved the final draft on March 15, 2017. The Selectboard then held three public hearings to discuss the final draft, on May 9, June 27, and August 8, 2017. The Selectboard voted to adopt the Plan at its regular meeting on August 15, 2017.

Updating the Town Plan 

The Planning Commission is in the process of updating the Town Plan. Part of this work includes updating the maps in the Plan and developing new maps. If you have comments please contact Jean Richardson; or Bonnie Barnes; or Arabella Holtzapfel

 The draft maps can be reviewed here: Draft Town Plan Maps (2024)

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